Chivesta (kee vesta)- Chi: Who in Italian. Vesta: goddess of the hearth in the city of Rome, and the chosen name of my kiln, in the hopes that she will produce all things great and fertile. To believe in Vesta, you must believe in magic, learn the lessons she teaches, and be diligent in preparation, because it all boils down to the kiln firing. So "Who's Vesta?", she's an honest, demanding instructor with a brutal sense of humor and an eye for vital organs! Sometimes she smiles.
A note to our customers:
In this time of concern about the Corona virus, Chivesta will practice cleanliness, and be cognizant of your safety. If you purchase a cup, wall hanging or necklace, we want you to feel assured that everything inside the box or envelope has been cleaned, sprayed or scrubbed with bubbles, by hands that have been equally well scrubbed. Still, best judgement... Classes will be put on hold, probably until Fall 2021, as will Returns of merchandise. As an asthmatic, I would like to avoid the virus, at least until a vaccine is developed, so I need to control what I can on the Chivesta side of things. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Let's throw some clay! |